Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everyday I Write The Book

I've decided that I'm going to make better use of this whole internet marketing thing. Everyday, I'm going to blog about one particular use for the WondaWedge. Why? Because I can. Because I am lucky enough to have a day gig that lets me use a little of my creative power to bend the unsuspecting public to my will. And it's better than being a Walmart greeter.

Let's talk about the beach. I've always been amazed at the amount of stuff that people are willing to take from their homes, load into their cars and then schlep across the sand. Between the kids, the ice chests, umbrellas, lawn chairs, buckets, cameras, towels, hats and flip flops, I find the whole process exhausting.

While I can't remedy all of these, I can at least help and recommend that you leave the patio furniture on your patio where it belongs and pack up a few Wondawedges instead. About the size of a book when deflated and folded, you can make your day at the beach a whole lot easier.

The Wondawedge inflates pretty quickly using good old fashioned lung power if you can still breath after hauling all that other stuff. Once inflated, plop yourself down on the attached mat, kick back and enjoy the day. Sand won't penetrate the mat like it does a towel or blanket and you'll be a lot more comfortable.

After the sunburn and the hot dogs, it will deflate and fold up easily for the long trip back to the car. You'll be so glad you left the furniture at home.

(Blog title respecfully borrowed from Elvis Costello)

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