Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day, like many holidays dating back to the Middle Ages, is still a bit of a mystery. The only thing that most of us know is that the minute the Christmas decorations are down in the retail stores, the Valentine’s Day goodies start showing up. There’s not a noticeable difference between “Christmas red” and “Valentine’s red,” but the heart shaped candy boxes and fake red roses remind us, once again, that it’s time to go shopping.

Now if you've been following this blog (thanks for that, by the way), you know I'm going to make a few gift suggestions, beginning with The Wondawedge. Not everybody wants lacy underthings (not appropriate for your mom), not every kiss begins with Kay (more than likely, a couple of beers do) and most of us had our fill of chocolate around January 3.

With spring right around the corner, The Wondawedge is a great gift for the outdoor enthusiast in your family. If you have a family elder or perhaps someone who is recuperating from surgery, again, The Wondawedge is a handy device to give as a gift. I'd recommend a few good books, too, since it's a great reading pillow. Of course, if you insist on jewelry....

Useless Trivia

Sweethearts are made by the New England Confectionery Company, home of the NECCO wafer. NECCO is the oldest multi-line candy company in the US, dating back to 1847.  They've come along way in the message department, too. Now they have current sayings on them like "Email Me." Modern Love...

I Love New York is both a logo and a song that are the basis of an advertising campaign have been used since the mid-1970s to promote tourism in New York City[1], and later to promote New York State as well.
Valentine's Day Movies (aka "Chick Flicks")
Let's face it, there isn't a guy in the world who actually wants to watch any of the following movies. But trust me on this guys, we love it when you snuggle up to us on the couch for a good chick flick! Popcorn and tissues optional but she'll love you for it! These are my favorites:
Love Story
Summer of '42

Love Actually
Pretty Woman (although, I prefer Knotting Hill if we're talking Julia Roberts....)
When Harry Met Sally
One's He Might Sit Through:
First Knight (at least there's some jousting in it...)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (hilarious...)
There's Something About Mary (ditto!)
My Love Song Mix Tape #1 (Click on the player to hear these songs)

Wild Horses, Rolling Stones
Valentine’s Day, Steve Earle
Paper Airplane, Willie Porter
Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton
The Blower's Daughter, Damien Rice
Cause We Ended As Lovers, Jeff Beck

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