Monday, August 16, 2010

The Summer Wind

It's hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close. Labor Day Weekend is a mere three weeks away and everyone is trying to get in those last minute summer camping trips and beach excursions. Before you know it, there will be Halloween decorations up, the leaves will start to turn and we'll be soon be cozying up to the fire.

Just because the summer is coming to a close doesn't mean we stop selling the WondaWedge. With all the things you can use it for indoors, it's good to keep a few on hand. It makes a perfect dorm room accessory and is great for kicking back while gaming, reading or watching a movie.

We're still offering free shipping through August 31. Visit our website and redeem coupon code FS at checkout.  Be sure to look for promotions on our "Think Pink" Wondawedge during the month October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Encourage some shops in your area to stock the pink WondaWedge during this important month!

Keep visiting our our website, our facebook page and this blog.  Enjoy the rest of your summer and be safe!

1 comment:

  1. it's too hot in MS for summer camping trips, so we're just now thinking about trying to squeeze in a few fall ones! hopefully i can win a wondawedge from hobomama to take along with us so i can prop my pregnant self up and be lazy.
