Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Animal House

As the end of summer approaches, I find myself looking forward to that first hint of fall in the air. I love the smell of burning leaves, wearing a sweater for the first time in a year and trading in my flip flops for a pair of boots.

And of course, it's time to send the kiddos off to school again. Hooray for you! Maybe this is the year your beloved son or daughter heads off to college for the first time and you have too many memories of John Belushi in the movie, Animal House. Fear not, parents! Chances are that most kids these days don't even know who Belushi was and hopefully, they think Animal House is a home for wayward pets.

"Look, Mom! No togas!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Talk about a blast from the past! Animal House is one of my all time favorite movies! I am glad my college experience wasn't quite as wild as it was in the movie. I would have loved to have a a WondaWedge pillow back them when I was up late studying. It would still be nice to have one for those late night reading sessions!
    Nancye Davis
